To Our Valued Partners and Community

We are committed to serving you in ways that make life healthier and meaningful. The health and well-being of our NotaryCam trusted partners—customers and employees—is our highest priority. This is personal on a number of levels, and therefore I wanted to reach out to express to you that we are vigilantly monitoring the ever-changing landscape…

  • By jack

  • 4 April, 2020

Bipartisan push begins in Congress to allow remote online notarizations nationwide

If “coronavirus” isn’t the phrase of the moment, “social distancing” certainly is. All across the country, people are holed up in their homes in an attempt to limit the spread of the virus. But what happens if one of those people wants to buy a home of their own right now? How are they supposed…

  • By jack

  • 24 March, 2020

Moving at the Speed of Life

Having spent the last few weeks in the bush there are way too many business lessons to share in this note-maybe in the future, but, suffice to say that there are plenty of ‘life cycle’ metaphors.. Real happy to be back in saddle but I must publicly offer a huge shout out of thanks to…

  • By jack

  • 24 April, 2018

Trump_Stormy Hush Agreement_Faulty Notary?

In an amazing twist of events one of the most important agreements to hit the world’s stage could be in jeopardy due to a faulty Notary…really? If they only used NotaryCam history would have been changed by the simple statement ‘let’s go to the video!’ Here’s the story

  • By jack

  • 13 March, 2018

Your Customers – Our Shared Evangelists

Since we started in 2012 we have consistently gotten amazing feedback from our clients. We’ve collected incredible stories of the ways NotaryCam has made life better for people who needed to get their important documents notarized but never translated that to a number.  We recently began collecting our Net Promoter Score, and are proud to…

  • By jack

  • 30 January, 2018

Happy New Year

Thanks to our amazing and most trusted team in the World @NotaryCam we added over 7000 new users in Q4 17! And off to a great start in 2018 – thanks Danny! “WOW! I cannot tell you how awesome this was for us! We are six partners in three different countries and doing this was…

  • By jack

  • 8 January, 2018

And the Winner is……Online Notary

In November, we will be celebrating the 5th anniversary of our very first remote online notarization–a Florida resident (and a witness) met with our certified and professionally trained Virginia notary and notarized a legally binding transaction. It was nerve-wracking, exciting and absolutely amazing! Since then we have logged thousands of demos, meetings, travel miles, etc….

  • By jack

  • 4 October, 2017

Online Remote Notarization’s – FOMO ?

I just returned from attending the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) annual summer conference in Indianapolis. A terrific event held by caring public officials who also know how to throw a good party. This was a return trip for me, having been invited by NASS to present NotaryCam’s platform back in 2013 in…

  • By jack

  • 14 July, 2017

NotaryCam’s eClose360 Platform Granted Freddie Mac Approval

NotaryCam, Inc., the global leader in online notary and mortgage eClosing services, announced today that the company’s eClose360 online notary platform has been tested and approved by Freddie Mac for eMortgage origination. To be approved, vendors must meet Freddie Mac’s requirements to provide eMortgage solutions. “We are very pleased that our technology has now been…

  • By jack

  • 2 June, 2017

2017 Poised for Landmark Year for eNotarization Adoption

As you’ve read in previous posts, we solved the ‘last mile’ friction around the physical in person requirement – allowing you to close all your deals in real-time, on demand, from anywhere in the world  but, as the e-Notary pioneer and with tens of thousands of ceremonies under our belt, we also understand that now…

  • By jack

  • 15 May, 2017