10 Common Examples of Notarized Documents You Should Know

  • By NotaryCam

  • 24 May, 2024

Notarized documents are everywhere, but do you know some examples of notarized documents? From legal agreements to financial transactions, notarizing documents plays a vital role in making sure there is legitimacy. Document notarization is not just about putting a fancy stamp on a piece of paper – it’s about preventing fraud and protecting everyone involved.

So, what are some of the most typical examples of notarized documents? Let’s take a look at 10 that you’re likely to encounter at some point in your life. Whether you’re buying a house, getting married, or just need to prove your identity, these notarized docs have got you covered.

What Is a Notarized Document?

If you’re looking to dodge fraud and forgery, notarized documents are your best friends, both for businesses and personal dealings. But what exactly is a notarized document?

Documents that have been notarized have undergone certification by a notary public, ensuring their genuineness. This process involves the observation and documentation of document signings to prevent fraud and guarantee the documents’ credibility to the requesting parties.

The Purpose of Notarization

The notarization process involves a commissioned, third-party notary public witnessing a document signing. This is to ensure it’s been carried out according to local state notarization laws. The purpose is to prevent fraud and ensure the authenticity of the signed document.

Types of Notarial Acts

Notaries can perform various types of notarial acts, including:

  • Administering oaths and affirmations
  • Taking acknowledgments
  • Certifying copies of documents
  • Witnessing or attesting signatures on documents

So, a notarized document is one that’s been certified by a notary public to verify its authenticity. The notarization process includes the witness and record of the signing to make sure it’s not fraudulent. This assures the documents can be trusted by the requesting authorities.

Common Examples of Notarized Documents

Notarized documents are essential for businesses that want to avoid fraud and forgery within agreements. But what kind of documents typically require notarization? Let’s take a look at some common examples.

Legal Agreements and Contracts

Legal documents that often require notarization include:

  • Contracts
  • Affidavits
  • Powers of attorney
  • Wills

Imagine these docs as a rulebook, clarifying everyone’s part in the deal—what you’re entitled to and responsible for.

Financial Transactions

Financial documents that usually require notarization include:

  • Loan documents
  • Bank statements
  • Investment agreements

Banks, title companies, investment firms, and other financial institutions like credit unions often require notarization for various documents and processes.

Real Estate Documents

Real estate transactions frequently involve getting documents notarized, including:

  • Deeds
  • Mortgages
  • Lease agreements
  • Purchase agreements
  • Refinancing documents
  • Power of attorney

These documents are used to transfer ownership or establish the terms of a property rental or sale.

Personal Identification Documents

Some personal identification documents may require notarization to verify the applicant’s identity and the authenticity of the submitted information. Examples include:

  • Passport applications
  • Certain immigration forms

So, while a notarized letter is a great example of a document that needs notarization, many other legal, financial, real estate, and identification documents also require this important step.

How to Get a Document Notarized

Getting a document notarized is like adding a seal of trust to it, making sure no one’s played around with the info. It provides evidence that it’s authentic.

But how exactly do you notarize documents? Let’s break it down.

Finding a Notary Public

A notary public is a state-appointed official who serves as an impartial witness to the signing of important documents. They step in when you’ve got a stack of financial documents that need signing, guiding both folks and companies through the process. Notaries can often be found at:

  • Banks
  • Credit unions
  • Law firms
  • Government buildings

Some businesses, like shipping centers and office supply stores, may also offer notary services. Before having a document notarized, make sure it’s complete, accurate, and error-free. All parties involved should review and agree to the document’s contents.

Required Identification

When seeking notarization, individuals must provide valid government-issued identification to prove their identity to the notary. This can include:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • State ID card

The Notarization Process

During the notarization process, the notary will:

  1. Verify the identity of the signers
  2. Ensure they understand the document’s contents
  3. Witness their signatures
  4. Affix their official seal and signature to the document.

Notary Fees

Notaries may charge a fee for their services, which varies by state and the type of notarial act performed. Some states set maximum fees that notaries can charge, while others allow notaries to set their own rates. So, to get a document notarized, find a notary public, prepare your document, bring the required identification, and be ready to pay any applicable notary fees.

Remote Online Notarization: A Modern Alternative

Online notarization, also known as remote online notarization, is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to traditional in-person notarization. But what exactly is online notarization and how does it work? Online notarization is a process that allows documents to be notarized electronically, without the need for signers to be physically present with a notary.

Benefits of Online Notarization

Online notarization offers several benefits, including:

  • Convenience
  • Time savings
  • Reduced travel costs

It also provides a secure and efficient way to complete important transactions remotely, as long as you have a reliable internet connection.

How Remote Online Notarization Works

During a remote online notarization session:

  1. The signer and online notary communicate via secure video conferencing.
  2. The signer’s identity is verified using knowledge-based authentication and ID document analysis.
  3. The document is notarized online.

Platforms Offering Online Notarization Services

Several platforms, like NotaryCam, offer online notarization services. Cutting-edge technology is what these platforms rely on to make sure every notary stamp stays secure and trustworthy. You might still go old school with in-person signings, yet can’t ignore how the option of notarizing online is catching on fast—it promises simplicity without skimping on reliability.

Ensuring the Authenticity of Notarized Documents

Imagine getting all your important paperwork stamped with an official seal. That’s what notarization does – it gives your legal and financial documents the credibility they need.

But how can you ensure the authenticity of these examples of notarized documents? Let’s explore some key factors.

Notary seals and signatures serve as proof that a document has been properly notarized. They throw in certain features that scream “this is real.” to keep any funny business out of the picture.

Verifying a Notary’s Commission

To ensure the validity of a notarized document, it’s important to verify that the notary’s commission is current and in good standing. This can often be done through the secretary of state’s office in the notary’s jurisdiction.

Detecting Fraudulent Notarizations

Signs of a fraudulent notarization may include:

  • Missing or incorrect notary seals.
  • Inconsistent or missing signatures.
  • Alterations to the document after notarization.

If fraud is suspected, the document’s authenticity should be investigated. So, to ensure the authenticity of a notarized document, look for proper notary seals and signatures, verify the notary’s commission, and be aware of potential signs of fraud. By understanding these key factors, you can have greater confidence in the validity of your notarized documents.

Key Takeaway: 

Getting a document notarized adds a layer of security, proving it’s legit and hasn’t been messed with. You can find notaries at banks or law offices, but make sure your doc is error-free first.

Got an ID? Bring it along to show the notary who you are. If going out is a hassle, online notarization could be your friend – quick and easy from anywhere.

FAQs in Relation to Examples of Notarized Documents

What does a document look like that needs to be notarized?

A document needing notarization will have a designated space for the notary’s signature, seal, and the date of notarization.

Which of the following are not commonly notarized documents?

Emails, informal letters, and self-written affidavits without legal standing rarely need a notary’s stamp.

What is the wording to notarize a document in Texas?

In Texas, you’ll see “State of Texas, County of ____” followed by language certifying your appearance before the Notary Public.

How do I notarize a document in MD?

To get it done in Maryland, bring your doc to a local public official who checks IDs then stamps or seals it.


These examples of notarized documents are not just any paperwork – when they’re stamped by a notary public they turn into shields against deceit. They’re there making sure everybody agrees without question. Whether it’s affidavits or wills or other official documents, these examples of notarized documents often need a notary’s stamp to really matter in our day-to-day life.

So next time your documents require notarization, you’ll know what to expect. Just remember to bring your ID, find a trustworthy notary, and double-check that everything’s filled out correctly. With a little bit of know-how, getting your documents notarized can be a breeze.