RON Closing: The Future of Real Estate Transactions

  • By NotaryCam

  • 9 May, 2024

Imagine closing a real estate deal from the comfort of your couch. No more rushing to a physical location, waiting for documents, or dealing with endless paperwork. That’s the power of a Remote Online Notarization closing, or RON closing.

RON is transforming the way we handle real estate transactions. It’s convenient, secure, and efficient. According to a recent survey, 62% of title companies offering RON believe it will increase in the next year.

Ready to learn more? Imagine taking your business to the next level with something called RON closing. If you’re interested, read on!

What Is Remote Online Notarization (RON) Closing?

The world of real estate is changing fast. And one of the biggest game-changers? Remote online notarization (RON) closing.

With RON, you can close on a property without ever stepping foot in an office. Yep, you read that right – no more scheduling around work, finding childcare, or fighting traffic.

How Does RON Closing Work?

Here’s the scoop: with RON closing, all your real estate documents can be signed and notarized online. The whole process is fully digital, from start to finish.

You’ll connect with a notary via video chat, confirm your identity, and sign on the digital dotted line. The notary will then add their electronic seal, and bam – you’re done.

Benefits of RON Closing

Aside from the convenience factor, RON closing has some serious perks:

  • It’s faster than traditional closings
  • There’s less room for error (no more missing signatures.)
  • All your docs are securely stored online
  • You can close from anywhere, anytime

Plus, title agents, mortgage lenders and real estate agents love it because it streamlines the process and keeps their customers happy.

Requirements for Remote Online Notarization in New York

New York is one of the latest states to jump on the RON bandwagon. As of January 31, 2023, notaries in the Empire State can apply to perform remote online notarizations. But before you start e-signing away, there are some important requirements to note.

Technology Platform Requirements

Not just any old video chat app will do for RON closings in New York. The technology platform must meet strict standards, like:

  • Crystal-clear audio and video for real-time communication.
  • A way to verify the signer’s identity and credentials.
  • Tamper-proof document storage and transmission.
  • The ability to record and archive the video session.

To perform RON closings, New York notaries need to register with the state and complete special training. They’ll also need to use a state-approved technology vendor and follow specific protocols during the notarization process.

Electronic Notary Requirements

In addition to the regular notary requirements, e-notaries in New York must:

  • Use a digital certificate and electronic signature.
  • Ensure their electronic seal is secure and tamper-evident.
  • Maintain a detailed journal of all electronic notarizations.
  • Follow strict identity verification and credential analysis procedures.

Staying compliant with these regulations is key to ensuring the integrity and security of the RON closing process.

How to Close a Real Estate Transaction with RON

Ready to take your real estate closing process into the digital age? Here’s how to make it happen with RON.

  1. Find a RON-approved technology platform and notary.
  2. Schedule your virtual closing appointment.
  3. Upload your closing documents to the platform.
  4. Meet with the notary via secure video chat.
  5. Verify your identity and review the documents.
  6. Add your electronic signatures to docs with the notary as witness.
  7. Receive your digitally notarized and tamper-sealed documents.

Easy peasy, right? With a little prep work, RON closings can be a breeze.

Preparing for a RON Closing

To ensure a smooth RON closing experience, it’s important to:

  • Have a valid, government-issued photo identification card ready.
  • Ensure you have a strong internet connection and a device with a camera.
  • Review all documents thoroughly before the closing.
  • Ask any questions you have upfront.

A little preparation can go a long way in making your RON closing a success.

Ensuring a Smooth RON Closing Experience

For real estate professionals, the key to nailing RON closings is having the right tech in place. A platform that integrates with your existing systems and offers a user-friendly interface can make all the difference.

It’s also crucial to communicate clearly with clients about what to expect and how to prepare. Provide step-by-step instructions and be available to answer any questions that come up along the way.

Benefits of Using RON for Real Estate Closings

Still not convinced that RON is the way to go? Let’s dive into some of the biggest benefits. RON helps closings happen anytime, anywhere.

No more coordinating schedules or rushing across town to make it to the title company before they close. Clients can sign on their lunch break, from the comfort of their couch, or even while traveling. And 77% of real estate professionals believe that this flexibility will speed up RON adoption even more.

Increased Efficiency

RON closings are often quicker and more efficient than traditional ones. There’s no need to print, scan, or mail documents, and errors can be caught and corrected in real-time. Plus, with everything digital, there’s less risk of lost or misplaced paperwork.

All documents are securely stored and easily accessible online. Contrary to what some may think, RON closings can actually be more secure than in-person ones.

With end-to-end encryption, tamper-evident seals, and robust identity verification, there are multiple layers of security built in. And because everything is recorded and archived, there’s a clear audit trail should any issues arise.

Improved Customer Experience

At the end of the day, RON closings are all about making the process easier and more convenient for clients. No more taking time off work, arranging childcare, or fighting traffic just to sign some papers. With RON, clients can close on their own terms, in a way that fits their busy lives – and that’s a win for everyone involved.

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance with RON Platforms

As with any new technology, there are some important compliance considerations to keep in mind with RON. Not all RON platforms are created equal. When selecting a provider, it’s crucial to choose one that meets all the necessary security and compliance standards.

Look for a platform that uses end-to-end encryption, secure document storage, and robust identity verification protocols. And make sure they stay up-to-date with the latest industry regulations and best practices.

Meeting State and Federal Regulations

RON regulations can vary widely from state to state, so it’s important to stay on top of the specific requirements in your area. Some states may require additional notary training or certification, while others may have specific technology or record-keeping requirements. Failing to comply with these regulations could result in legal and financial penalties.

Maintaining Data Security and Privacy

With so much sensitive information involved in real estate transactions, data security and privacy are top concerns with RON. Choose a platform that uses secure servers and encryption to protect client data. And make sure you have clear policies and procedures in place for handling and storing that information in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Next Steps for Implementing RON in Your Real Estate Business

Ready to take the plunge into remote online notarization? Here are some next steps to get you started.

Assessing Your Readiness for RON

Before you dive in headfirst, it’s important to assess your business’s readiness for RON. Consider factors like:

  • Your current technology setup and capabilities.
  • The RON regulations and requirements in your state.
  • Your staff’s comfort level with new technology.
  • Your clients’ preferences and needs.

Taking an honest look at where you’re starting from can help you create a realistic plan for implementing RON.

Choosing the Right RON Provider

Once you’ve decided to move forward with RON, it’s time to choose a provider. Look for a platform that offers:

  • Robust security and compliance features.
  • An intuitive, user-friendly interface.
  • Integration with your existing systems and software.
  • Excellent customer support and training resources.

Don’t be afraid to demo multiple options and ask plenty of questions before making a decision.

Training Your Team on RON Procedures

Introducing new technology can be a challenge, but proper training can make all the difference. Make sure your team is fully trained on:

  • How to use the RON platform and its various features.
  • The specific steps and protocols for conducting a RON closing.
  • How to troubleshoot common issues and handle customer questions.
  • Relevant compliance and security procedures.

Consider appointing a RON expert or champion within your organization to lead the charge and provide ongoing support. With the right preparation and mindset, implementing RON can be a smooth and successful process for your real estate business. And the benefits – from increased efficiency to happier clients – are well worth the effort.

Key Takeaway: 

RON closing is a game-changer in real estate, letting you sign and notarize documents online for a faster, error-free process. New York now embraces RON with specific tech and notary requirements to keep transactions secure.

Ready to go digital? Make sure your platform meets state standards and prepare for an easy virtual appointment.

FAQs in Relation to RON Closing

What does RON stand for in real estate?

RON means Remote Online Notarization. It’s a way to notarize documents over the internet, no face-to-face needed.

What is a RON platform?

A RON platform lets you notarize documents online. It uses tech to verify identities and securely sign papers.

Does California allow remote closing?

No, California hasn’t green-lit remote closings yet. You need an in-person notary there.

Can you close on a house remotely in Louisiana?

Yes, Louisiana allows it. You can close on your house from anywhere using RON technology.


RON closing is the future of real estate transactions. It offers convenience, flexibility, and enhanced security on closing day for all parties involved. Jumping on the RON bandwagon means you’ll smooth out your operations, make your customers happier, and zoom past your rivals.

Remember, choosing the right RON provider and ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations is crucial. With some solid prep work and learning, weaving RON seamlessly into what you do every day will be smooth sailing for your crew.

Embrace the power of RON closing and take your real estate business to the next level. Digital days are here to stay, with RON steering us into tomorrow.