
Get your document legally
notarized in minutes

No matter the device, time of day or location, we have notaries
ready to complete your notary request!


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Upload your document

Connects to a live Notary and confirm the user’s identity face-to-face on a webcam.

Electronically sign and apply eNotary seal.


AMW Realty has partnered with NotaryCam to provide complimentary online access to professionally licensed and certified notaries and eliminates the need for you to visit a notary in person.

To meet with our notary, you will need the following:

  • A Laptop/Desktop/Tablet with an up to date Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox web browser
  • A government issued ID (driver’s license, passport, non-driver ID Card, etc)
  • Connection to reliable, high speed Internet
  • A Financial Statement for Confirmation of your Address – This Financial Statement needs to be from a financial institution other than AMW Realty. The address on the uploaded financial statement needs to match the address on you AMW Realty account

As a valued customer of AMW Realty, they have provided you with a complimentary notary service.

24/7, 365 days a year.

We recommend clients use Google’s Chrome browser (Click here to download) on a laptop or desktop computer (Mac or PC) with a webcam. We also support the Firefox browser, and Safari (with a plug-in installation). We also offer a iOS app, available in the Apple App Store. Some clients are also able to connect with an Android-based mobile devices but this is not recommended. If you are not sure if you have a webcam, open your Chrome browser and visit this website (Click Here to Test). For best results, you will also need a good internet connection (eg Wifi or Ethernet connection to cable internet or better). We do not recommend use over 3G and 4G mobile data devices such as hotspots or smartphone tethering.

Do not sign your document before you upload it to NotaryCam. We use electronic signing (e-signing) technology that requires no additional hardware on your end, just your keyboard. When you are in session with a notary, you will e-sign by typing your name onto the document. We embed a number of security features into the document to protect the validity of your signature. The legal validity of e-signatures is well established by the ESIGN Act of 2000 and UETA.


If you have any questions get in touch with us


Phone: (800) 931-7423

If you or your clients need to eSign and eNotarize documents regularly